Recognizing the urgent need for transformation of the education in Sri Lanka to achieve economic stability and development, the Government formed a Cabinet Sub-Committee of ten members, chaired by the Hon. President and including the Hon. Prime Minister and the Minister of Education, to formulate and implement a National Education Policy Framework (NEPF) for the next 25 years. The Cabinet of Ministers approved this proposal on April 24, 2023, and appointed a 25-member Expert Officials Committee to support the Cabinet Sub-Committee.
The National Education Policy Framework (2023-2033),
prepared by the Expert Officials Committee, proposes a comprehensive and visionary roadmap for transforming the education sector in the country. This Framework outlines the policy principles and statements that will serve as the basis for developing strategies and action plans to achieve quality, equity, and excellence in education. The NEPF aligns with the national development goals and the country’s global commitments on education.